When in doubt, try typing "help" in a private chat with DailyBot to get a list of available commands.
- If you are in a channel, you must enter the @DailyBot handle first.
- People's names can be used with either @name or just the name alone.. If DailyBot doesn't recognize the name, or if there are way too many teammates with the same name, consider @tagging the person. DailyBot works best with a short list of names for you to pick.
These are the kudos available commands:
Giving kudos
- kudos to @user {an optional message}
- @user ++ {an optional message}
use natural language to give kudos
Seeing the leaderboard
- kudos leaderboard
- kudos top
Seeing your kudos stats or recent kudos
- kudos status
- kudos me
Any questions? Submit a request here.
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