If you already have a DailyBot user account, you can access our web dashboard to manage your preferences or see the reports and features you have access to.
You can always access our application by opening this URL:
Access with Single Sign-On
The first method you can use is by accessing with your chat provider account. Select the "Sign in" option that corresponds to the chat workspace you are using with DailyBot:
This process may take you to a confirmation page where you should confirm your password, then you'll be logged into DailyBot's web application.
If this process fails, it may be that your chat account is not properly paired with DailyBot, or that you don't have an active DailyBot account.
Access with email and password
Some DailyBot organizations may allow their users to set their own passwords. If you do have a DailyBot user account with a password set, you can then use the email/password method by entering your email on the sign-in form:
Once you type the email, you'll be prompted for a password. Depending on your settings, you may receive an email first where you have to click a button to complete the sign-in process (it's a verification step).
If your DailyBot organization has 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) enabled, you will receive a special email with a code for you to complete the sign-in.
Access using the bot with the "dashboard" command
This is an easy way to open your dashboard. Once you're logged into your chat application (Slack, MS Teams, Discord, Google Chat, etc), do the following:
1. Open a direct message with DailyBot
2. Type the word "dashboard"
3. DailyBot will provide you a special link to sign into the web application
4. Click the link so it can take you to the web app
The dashboard link expires quickly, so you should click it as soon as you get it. Some DailyBot organizations may have this sign-in option disabled; if that's the case, you'll need to sign in by using any of the other methods.
Need help?
If you cannot access your DailyBot account, please submit a ticket here and provide all the details. Our team will be happy to help you solve any issues.
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