Authorizing DailyBot to access the members of your Google Workspace is the best way to integrate both apps to search and invite new people to your organization.
You can integrate Google Workspace to search users by name, just like you would directly in the chat. To do so, go to the web application and find "Members." In there, select the Google logo below the search bar to open a new window where you can authorize your Google Workspace to read your members list.
Select the Google account that you want to give access to, and then click the button Continue.
If everything goes well, you will be able to search people like you would in Google Chat from the search bar, like in this other example (notice the Google integration button disappears, since you don't have to do anything else):
In case of troubleshooting
The following screen can come out when a user wants to complete the authorization process explained above:
It occurs in some workspaces that, due to policies, must set the DailyBot app as verified. If you get that, follow these steps (must be a Google Workspace admin or equivalent):
1. Go to
2. Go to Security > API Controls > App Access Control. You'll get the list of apps you've installed in your workspace. Click "Change access" in the DailyBot row to open a new modal window.
3. In the new window, grant DailyBot "trusted" permissions.
Now try following the regular steps to authenticate your member list, it should work fine now.
If you find any issues or have new questions, open a new ticket.
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