Getting started in 3 quick steps
1. Access your private beta sign up link. That will take you to an authentication page where you must authorize us to install and run the bot inside the server of your choice.
2. Complete your organization info.
3. Invite new members of your team — then you're ready to collaborate!
Integrating DailyBot with your server
1. Once you select "Add to Discord" in the registration panel from above, you'll be redirected to an authentication page like this:
2. Select the server where you want DailyBot to be integrated in, then make sure to select all the permissions before you click "Authorize":
3. Finally, verify yourself with the captcha:
Setting up your organization
If you successfully integrated DailyBot with your server, you'll be redirected to the welcome page, where you can easily set up the basics of your organization:
Follow the steps — and don't forget to invite other members of your server in the last step to speed up the onboarding process for your team. You'll be redirected to the homepage where you can create your first check-in or skip it and maybe start a different workflow. You're all set now!
Setting up accounts for new users
- You can simply add new members to your DailyBot organization from the web dashboard (go to Settings > Members, or directly to Settings > Teams to select a specific team and add them there).
- Users will get notified via email and Discord about their new account.
- Users can finish the signup process to configure their preferences, language, timezone, etc. (optional, but strongly recommended).
- New users inherit the organization timezone, hence it's recommended that each user checks the timezone in their profile.
Users joining existent organization
It might happen that your Discord server is already connected to a DailyBot organization.
When users from your current DailyBot org (and Discord server) join DailyBot using the "Add to Discord" button, they will be creating an account in DailyBot and will automatically join the organization.
It's also important to highlight that when users join the existent organization by themselves they will get added automatically to the "Default" team; the default team is usually the one named "General", however the org administrators can define what the Default team should be.
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