Set up a daily countdown to an important milestone or event.
Type @DailyBot countdown until YYYY-MM-DD to {GOAL} to set a new daily countdown for a {GOAL} your team's tracking.
Get started
- Anyone can use the
- The bot will post a daily reminder on said channel (room) on weekdays at 9:00AM (Local Timezone).
- The command "countdown list" only lists existing countdowns within a specific channel. So if you set up a new countdown in a channel called #announcements and another in #public, lists would only show 1 existing command, depending on the channel you're calling the bot from (#announcements or else), and not the total of 2 active commands per user – or even per organization.
- Every countdown has an ID you can see with the "countdown list" command. Use that ID to delete countdowns by typing:
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