Invite users to your DailyBot organization ①
Whether you completed your onboarding, but haven’t invited anyone to your organization yet, or you just want to bring some new faces to your team, you’re in the right place.
Invite teammates from Microsoft Teams to your DailyBot organization by following one the routes provided here.
If you just finished onboarding, but didn’t have the chance to invite your teammates properly, now’s the time to do so. Go to ‘Home’ and select “Bring your team on board” to add new members to the organization.
(Keep in mind that this option will only appear for the first two weeks after you signed up.)
Once clicked, a new modal window like this will open. You can use the search bar to look up Teams in your organization and invite teammates from each Team.
Important: You need to add DailyBot to a team so you can invite members from that team into DailyBot, or see and select channels from that team for your reporting activities. Want to add DailyBot to a team? Click here
Select the team you want to invite people from
Select your teammates and invite them
Join an existing organization ②
Hey, if you're here it's probably because someone from your team just invited you to DailyBot. Welcome! 👋
There are two ways to join an existing DailyBot organization: By chat or email. Let's check them out.
By chat
When someone invites you to DailyBot, you shortly receive a welcome message through a private chat with DailyBot. Now you're ready to participate in check-ins with your team and collaborate. You can visit the web app through the link the bot is sharing with you, although this step is entirely optional.
The link prompts a new Microsoft sign-in page where it talks about the permissions that DailyBot needs to function well on your workspace (More on this in our Privacy Policy). Click “Yes” to continue.
And you’re set! Now you can participate in team check-ins, give and receive kudos, watch a quick demo, or simply explore the product a bit.
By email
You receive a welcome email when someone invites you to an existing DailyBot organization. At the bottom of it, you'll find a button that says "Join with Microsoft Teams →", click there to join.
The option prompts a new Microsoft sign-in page where it talks about the permissions that DailyBot needs to function well on your workspace (More on this in our Privacy Policy). Click “Yes” to continue.
And you’re set! Now you can participate in team check-ins, give and receive kudos, watch a quick demo, or simply explore the product a bit.
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Send us a ticket.
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