Recognize your team's achievements with kudos using DailyBot's chatbot and web application. Whether you prefer quick commands in your chat or a more detailed approach in the web app, we've got you covered. Check out the steps below:
Giving kudos via chatbot
Here are a few examples of commands you can use:
Let's give kudos to Mary now. Go to a chat channel and type:
@DailyBot kudos to Mary for the great presentation about product management!
@DailyBot Mary ++ for the great presentation about product management!
or, without writing a message:
@DailyBot kudos to Mary
@DailyBot Mary ++
You don't need to tag users in private chats to give kudos. You can write something like "kudos to Mary" and DailyBot will do the trick. If there's more than one Mary (something highly likely 😄 ), the bot will ask you to select the right member from a list of possible candidates. Search on this format is case sensitive.
Now, check out what the other person will see:
Chat integrations considerations
- In Slack, you can give kudos from channels, and also using the private chat. If you're using the private chat, please omit the @DailyBot prefix when typing the commands.
- In Microsoft Teams you can give kudos from channels, but not from private messages (the private message does not allow tagging other users).
- In Google Chat you can give kudos from rooms (the private message does not allow tagging other users).
Giving kudos via web application
Open the web application and navigate to the Kudos Skill using the navigation bar and find the "Give kudos" button.
Then complete these steps:
- Select the teammate you want to give kudos to.
- Write a note to make it special (optional).
- Decide whether you want to also post the kudos message in some public channel.
- Define if you want to give the kudos anonymously; notice this feature is configurable and could be disabled for your organization by an admin.
- Click or tap on "Send".
- That's it!
Reading your kudos reports
The bot, then, will automatically report all kudos on this channel, even if you give them from another one, in which case it will report in both channels.
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