Please read this to understand how your bills are generated and how charges work in our subscriptions.
How many users should I pay for?
You can manage active and inactive users in DailyBot. The system will only charge you for active ones so, for instance, imagine your organization has 1,000 members in your chat platform (Slack, Google Chat or MS Teams) and 50 are registered in DailyBot. Out of these 50 DailyBot users, you can set only 30 as active. Then you pay just for the 30 who are active.
Additionally, you can allow users from your organization to register in DailyBot (by themselves) and be added automatically to your paid plan, or you can moderate it so that an administrator is required to approve new users.
How does the billing work?
You can subscribe to our DailyBot plans in a monthly or yearly basis. Our yearly plans offer a discounted price.
Yearly plans
DailyBot charges based on active users, it'll charge you every time you activate a new member (or a batch); it usually gives you a window of a few hours for adding/removing users and after you're done, it will compute and generate the charges, if needed.
If you add new active users to your plan (extra seats that you didn't paid for before) then you'll receive prorated charges for the new users. Example: you pay on January 1 for a yearly plan, and on July 1 you add a new user, you'll pay only the 6 remaining months for this new user.
If you remove users, you'll have that seat/license credit in your plan so if you add a user later on you won't have to pay for the user. Example: you got a subscription for 50 active users, the next month you remove 3 users, then you add 2 more users the month after. You won't be charged for this and you'll still have a seat pending to be assigned.
The plan renewal is based on the active users you have. You can manage active users in Organization > Members on the web.
Monthly plans
I have a question about a transaction?
We’ll review and refund any charges that are not in accordance with your plan, in which case, the transaction time for the refund usually takes 2-5 business days. (subject to your bank's processing times)
If you have issues with your preferred payment method instead, first try to review and update the card details in your account to rule out possible update issues like expired dates. After review, if your transaction is still declined, talk to the bank to ask them if they see why they're rejecting the transaction, and ask them to remove any blockers, if any. Also try with a different card, if possible.
Can I cancel my plan at anytime?
Yes, you can always manage and control your plan at will. If you want to cancel your plan, you can do it in one click from the admin panel.
How can I moderate the users of my plan?
You can find more detailed information on adding and removing users from your subscription in this quickstart guide: Moderating the number of users on my bill.
Got additional questions? Submit a new ticket.
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