If you are experiencing issues, in example DailyBot is not contacting any of your users, or you just noticed that DailyBot has disappeared from your chat, you can just connect him back by going to the web dashboard and clicking the "Add to Slack" button. Where are connection issues you might notice it by going to Settings > Organization and checking the connection status.
You don't necessarily have to disconnect DailyBot from Slack if you want to disable it temporarily or for a season.
If you want to disable the check-ins for your entire organization you could just go to Settings > Manage Features > Check-ins tab and then turn off the "Enable bot automatic questions" option.
If you still want to remove DailyBot from your organization you can just simply remove the bot from the Slack integrations page. You can still keep the organization in DailyBot and access reports/history in the Web Dashboard and add back the bot at anytime you prefer.
If you have any questions or need help feel free to reach out to us at
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