When utilizing the Check-ins Custom Questions feature, you gain the ability to designate questions as critical or blockers.
Blocker Recognition
When a question is marked as a blocker, DailyBot employs a smart response analysis:
Negative Responses: (e.g., no, nothing, nope...)
- DailyBot recognizes these as indicating no reported blockers.
- Such responses are excluded from blocker stats in the web dashboard and chat reports.
Positive Answers:
- Any response with a positive tone or describing a problem is counted as identifying a blocker.
- The team and managers receive alerts through the dashboard and chatbot reports.
When using boolean or multiple choice questions you can also mark one of the response options as blocker. Like this:
To access metrics related to blockers:
Navigate to Check-ins View:
- On the sidebar of the WebApp select "Check-ins".
Select Specific Check-in:
- Choose the check-in you want to analyze.
Access Analytics:
- On the top right corner, locate and click the "Analytics" button. At the bottom you should be able to see a number like this:
Over time, blocker questions will result in a line chart that sums up the total responses up to that time period.
Longer time periods show similar charts, like this one [last 3 months]:
(Someone throw a lifeline to Marvin!)
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