Dive into the heartbeat of your team's Check-Ins with the GET /checkins/
endpoint! This powerful tool unveils a JSON list of check-ins visible to you, the API key owner.
Understanding the Endpoint:
- Path:
- Method: GET
Query String Parameters:
- include_summary (optional): [Boolean] Indicate true for retrieving check-in summaries, or false for an empty summary field.
- date (optional): [Date String] Specify the date for calculating check-in summaries in the format YYYY-MM-DD when include_summary is true.
Sample Response:
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "b1b292b3-29b2-4235-8103-321ed749db8d",
"name": "Team standups",
"template": "4e322341-1262-42fa3-942a-0341d90883f6",
"active": true,
"is_anonymous": true,
"send_report_one_by_one": true,
"use_user_defined_work_days": false,
"time_for_report": null,
"start_on": "2022-01-25",
"privacy": "managers_and_members",
"allow_edit_permission": "admins_managers_and_team_admins",
"can_be_edited": false,
"reporting_metadata": [
"type": "channel",
"id": "channel_id",
"name": "channel_name",
"custom_trigger_time": null,
"reminders_max_count": 0,
"reminders_frequency_time": 15,
"reminders_trigger_condition": "smart_frequency",
"frequency_type": "weekly",
"frequency": 1,
"frequency_on_days": [1,2,3,4,5],
"end_on": null,
"is_trigger_based": false,
"custom_template_intro": "new intro message" | null,
"custom_template_outro": "new outro message" | null,
"summary": {
"completed_percentage": 50,
"expected_responses": 2,
"completed_responses": 1,
"total_blockers": 1,
"current_user_is_respondent": true,
"current_user_has_response": true
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": "b1b292b3-29b2-4235-8103-321ed749db8d",
"name": "Team standups",
"template": "4e322341-1262-42fa3-942a-0341d90883f6",
"active": true,
"is_anonymous": true,
"send_report_one_by_one": true,
"use_user_defined_work_days": false,
"time_for_report": null,
"start_on": "2022-01-25",
"privacy": "managers_and_members",
"allow_edit_permission": "admins_managers_and_team_admins",
"can_be_edited": false,
"reporting_metadata": [
"type": "channel",
"id": "channel_id",
"name": "channel_name",
"custom_trigger_time": null,
"reminders_max_count": 0,
"reminders_frequency_time": 15,
"reminders_trigger_condition": "smart_frequency",
"frequency_type": "weekly",
"frequency": 1,
"frequency_on_days": [1,2,3,4,5],
"end_on": null,
"is_trigger_based": false,
"custom_template_intro": "new intro message" | null,
"custom_template_outro": "new outro message" | null,
"summary": {
"completed_percentage": 50,
"expected_responses": 2,
"completed_responses": 1,
"total_blockers": 1,
"current_user_is_respondent": true,
"current_user_has_response": true
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