Security is very important for us. DailyBot is SOC2 Type II compliant since 2022. We operate a Risk Management Program and Security Policies that are aligned with international standards and we take care of your data privacy and information security with best practices that are audited by an independent party (professional cyber-security and IT auditors).
Highly secure infrastructure
Our services are hosted in AWS US-based facilities. AWS is accredited against multiple security industry certifications including ISO27001, SOC1, SOC2 and PCI-DSS. Additionally, our payment partners (Stripe, Paddle) are PCI-DSS compliant.
Find detailed information about AWS Security here:
The most secure and privacy-oriented Chatbot App
We believe cyber security is at the core of every online business. And we invest on this to make sure DailyBot stands out from other competitors in product quality but also in data management and security practices.
In addition to strong SOC2 security controls, we design our software as privacy-first with granular permissions access. This means that by default our chat integrations only request the necessary permissions to operate, nothing more. DailyBot cannot read private messages or channel conversations, unless the messages are directed to @DailyBot's bot, or the bot is @Mentioned in a channel.
SEC Review and more information
DailyBot's security team can help complete an SEC Review for Enterprise customers. It is possible to provide policies, SOC2 reports, and partner certifications under NDA.
Find more about our security practices:
If you have any more questions, please contact us by submitting a ticket.
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